Dr. Saba Khodayarifard

In my psychotherapy practice, you could find reinvent yourself again, happier, healthier than ever. Let's see together, how things could get better for you.

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Dr. Saba Khodayarifard

In my psychotherapy practice, you could find reinvent yourself again, happier, healthier than ever. Let's see together, how things could get better for you.

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Dr. Saba Khodayarifard

In my psychotherapy practice, you could find reinvent yourself again, happier, healthier than ever. Let's see together, how things could get better for you.

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Dr. Saba Khodayarifard

In my psychotherapy practice, you could find reinvent yourself again, happier, healthier than ever. Let's see together, how things could get better for you.

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Your psychotherapist in 1140 Vienna

“Hello, how are you?”

How often and from how many people do you hear this question? Often? But how many of the people who ask you that, really want to know how you are doing?! How many of them would you or could you tell how you feel inside, which emotions you experience, what fears, wishes and dreams you have and what really goes on in your world? How many people do you have in your life, with whom you openly talk about yourself with complete trust and without the fear of being judged or misunderstood? With whom don’t you have to pretend or hide? With whom can you just be yourself?

How often do you ask yourself these questions: “How am I doing? What am I feeling? What am I afraid of? What do I regret? What do I need? What do I want? Where do I stand in life? What do I live for?” How often do you take time to sense your inner feelings, reflect what you want? How well do you actually know yourself? What do you like about yourself? How satisfied are you with yourself, your life, your job, or your relationships? What would you like to change?

About me

As an experienced psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, training analyst, coach, supervisor and university lecturer, I could help you with a broad range of topics.


Psychotherapy is about trying to understand one's inner processes and behavioural patterns and changing them so one can become healthier and happier.


I work with adults, adolescents and children in different settings such as individual, couple, family and group. I have experience with different topics ranging from depression and anxiety disorders to problems in the relationship, personality disorders and psychosis.

Regulations and conditions

Here you could read about the rules and conditions of a psychotherapy, if you would be in treatment with me.

How many and which feelings do you know? Is that a strange question?! Maybe! But just close your eyes for a moment and see how you feel right now? How do you feel? No cheating! “Good” is not really a feeling! Neither are “normal”, “bad” and “ok”. Now a little quiz: how many feelings can you count right now?

Feeling your own emotions may be trickier than it sounds. Sometimes we perceive different emotions such as fear, frustration, guilt, shame, disappointment, sadness, and other feelings simply as “stress”, or we frequently end up with one emotion such as “annoyance” or “anger” without realizing what other feelings may be behind this anger. Emotions could have different facets and layers and could be complicated, and it isn’t always easy to realize what feelings are driving us.

Even more difficult than recognizing different emotions may be to know how to properly respond to them. Feelings are supposed to have a function for us, also the most unpleasant ones. The different emotions may therefore call for different actions. If our behavioural response to irritation, anger, anxiety, worries, sexual frustration, tiredness, loneliness, and disappointment would often be going to the fridge, drinking alcohol, or scrolling ourselves numb in TikTok or Instagram, we’ve neither realized what we feel nor fulfilled the need that the feeling is trying to signalize. And if we often deal with feelings by eating, drinking, shopping, fighting, playing video games, or scrolling on social media, we may actually be trying to numb ourselves emotionally, in order to not feel certain unpleasant feelings, and therefore mopping them under the carpet. And these unprocessed emotions pile up over time until at some point, gradually or suddenly, they may erupt. We may then get ill, physically, mentally, or emotionally. And sometimes, we don’t even know why, or where it all began.

If you can find yourself somewhere in these lines or any of this sounds familiar to you, if any of these questions are relevant for you or you’d like to take time to preoccupy yourself with them and with your mind, if you wish to improve or change some aspect of your life, then psychotherapy may be just the thing for you!

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